Modules & Schedule
Friday Sessions begin at 9:00 am Pacific (USA). The room opens at 8:50 am
Sessions are two hours
There are five 2-hour sessions, 3 times a year (15 total sessions a year). At the beginning of future cycles there will be an additional session - one for those returning for their second year and another for those beginning their first year.
Required reading The list is HERE. In addition to the required books there will be shorter articles sent by email attachments or links. You need to purchase all the required books as you begin the program. Modules will draw on chapters from several books. The assignment for particulate sessions or modules will be listed below in the “Readings and Assignments” links. The workshop sessions assume you have read the assigned readings.
Saint Benedict Cycle
Reflecting on, and taking responsibility for, your spiritual life (Module One)
Friday Sessions begin at 9:00 am Pacific (USA). The room opens at 8:50 am
for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure
The passage is from Paul’s letter to the Philippians (2:13). God is at work in you. In the parish and in you as an individual. And just prior to that Paul wrote, “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (2:12) We are called to play our part. In this module we’ll provide you with ways to reflect on and take responsibility for your spiritual life and to assist the parish in doing the same.
Benedictine Spirituality: Our DNA (Module Two)
Friday Sessions begin at 9:00 am Pacific (USA). The room opens at 8:50 am
Benedictine spirituality is a significant part of our Anglican root system. It’s part of our organizational DNA. If we increase our understanding of Benedictine spirituality it may help us increase our understanding of Anglican liturgy, prayer, and the nature of community life. We may come to better understand and appreciate ourselves as Episcopalians and as parishes in that tradition. We will also use organization development methods and models that we understand to be congruent with a Benedictine spirituality.
Process of Planned Change & Discernment (Module Three)
Friday Sessions begin at 9:00 am Pacific (USA). The room opens at 8:50 am
Martin Buber said, “All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” We hear in that an invitation to humility. When we plan, we are often tempted to think we control all these things. But there are always consequences we don’t anticipate. There are always challenges and possibilities that emerge during the process that we didn’t expect. Our task is finding God in all things. Our focus in this module is on using the process of planned change and doing that in relation to Christian discernment.
Saint Scholastica Cycle
Parish Purpose, Life Cycle, Relationship Cycle (Module One)
Friday Sessions begin at 9:00 am Pacific (USA). The room opens at 8:50 am
Every parish church has three intrinsic cycles. Each describes a process that is inherent in the parish’s life. They are “given” rather than something we create. They will happen with or without our awareness of it, with or without our cooperation. And yet, our cooperation matters. We’ll seek to understand how each functions in our parish churches and how they can be used in the parish to generate fruitful discussion and decision-making.
Shaping Parish Culture (Module Two)
Friday Sessions begin at 9:00 am Pacific (USA). The room opens at 8:50 am
Parish culture is the way we are and the way we do things. We’ll work at better understanding the culture of our parishes. The conditions and actions necessary for change. We’ll give special attention to the parish’s worship and prayer life.
Emotional and Spiritual Maturity (Module Three)
Friday Sessions begin at 9:00 am Pacific (USA). The room opens at 8:50 am
We’ll explore our emotional maturity as seen in self-awareness, self-control, leadership, and empathy. And we’ll do the same in regard to our spiritual maturity as seen in characteristic such as humility, gentleness, patience, kindness, forgiveness, generosity, and self-control.